I, on the other hand am completely disqualified and an unsuitable person to work with, to advise, or comment upon the field of TVism because I am a self confessed addict of it. I have been contaminated with heterosexuality, paternity, matrimony and social and business success so my views are from the inside. The inside-where YOU are. I look at things from the same position as most of my readers—perhaps I look deeper and speculate further because of my inherent scientific curiosity and training but essentially I have YOUR outlook. It is, I'm sure perfectly clear to you who read this and would be to the thousands of other TVs that have not yet found TVia that you don't want to listen to or be advised or counselled by anyone who has been through all the things you've been through and has some empathy with you. Of course not! What you want is the advice and counsel of a completely fresh outside and uninvolved mind-one who isn't distracted or influenced by any personal experience let alone having any psycho- logical or psychiatric background.

Pristine, pure, virtuous, original, uninvolved, and young (about 26- 27 I think). In short a complete newcomer who has no preconceptions at all let alone knowledge and experience in the field, but one who has an unbelievable desire for power at any cost (by his own admission). So now that such a one has appeared on the horizon I hope you will all bow three times to the east (he is in New York) in order to show your respect and appreciation.

As for me, I suppose that I ought to take to heart his considered con- clusion that I am "not suitable to help the transvestite" and with my tail between my legs and tears streaming from my eyes, bid you all a fond, affectionate and reluctant farewell. Then the great all knowing one from the east could, through the highly respected, erudite, and deeply concerned outlets for his word—FEMALE IMPERSONATORS maga- zine, the CANDID PRESS tabloid, and SCREW newspaper, bring you all the information, guidance, counsel, encouragement, help and understanding that you would need. TRANSVESTIA would be put to rest, since a publication by such an "hypocrite" hiding behind a veil of hypocrisy could hardly be of much value. (Incidentally, where else could a hypocrite hide than “behind a veil of hypocrisy?”—purely a semantic curiosity but I guess I really shouldn't question the termin- ology of the all-knowing one in his wisdom.

I really don't know whether I am stupid, foolhardy, stubborn or maybe sacreligious not to heed his kind and helpful words of advice. But somehow I feel a compulsion welling up from deep within me to